I was conflicted between my need for freedom and my need for connection in relationship and I suffered greatly. I burned up and destroyed friendships and intimate partnerships because I only had the crappy relational models passed down from my family and society.

I deeply yearned to have functional- healthy relationships- with Myself and with Others. 

My Inner world was a mess of conflicting parts, conflicting needs and I didn’t know how to satisfy one part without abandoning or neglecting another.  I had an inner operational system based on fear, abuse, self-hatred, and criticism.

Through years of research and development, I learned how to develop a Life-Serving System within me, one that is Kind, Compassionate, and full of Wise guidance.

I learned how to navigate my needs in relationships and how to have connections that bring healing rather than creating more suffering. I learned tons about conscious communication, trauma, and nervous systems so I could have better, more fulfilling relationships.